The FirePot Project: A Potter's Perspective
Contact Debra Chronister to book lectures and workshops.

Marsha Hendrix, Aransas County Historical Society: "The Firepot portion of the La Belle excavation and research is a little known part of the La Salle story. Ms. Chronister knew how to weave the story in such a way that the entire audience could understand why it’s considered “The Ship that Changed History.” The quality of her presentation was the highest this reviewer has encountered in 10 years of hearing about La Salle."
The Firepot Project: A Potter's Perspective is a 50 minute illustrated lecture which examines the following:
•A brief survey of the history of La Salle's voyage for context.
•The research and decision-making process in recreating the historical forms.
•Extraordinary video footage of the firepots exploding at up to 16,000 frames per second.
•Why were the historical firepots so variable in their form?
• Why were the firepots glazed if they were going to be blown up?
•The process and experience of blowing them up. (Just what does a bomb range look like, anyway?)
•A contemporary interpretation of La Salle’s fateful last mission (this new evidence may rewrite history).
Contact Debra Chronister to schedule a lecture or workshop.